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                                Plymouth-Sorrento SDA Church Ministries


The ministries of this church are the life blood of this church.  You will want to become involved where your spiritual needs can be fulfilled and where you can share what God has done in your life.  We want for you to find a  place to serve and a place to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Make sure you check out the ministry opportunities we have to offer!


Personal Ministries - Wendly Saintil

Community Services - Diane Kelly - Kellyglo7@hotmail.com

Women's Ministry - Erica Caputto - eacaputto@hotmail.com

Men's Ministry - Ron Tudela - smokiebair1844@gmail.com

Health & Temperance - Seree Peterson - HeresToYourHealth1710@gmail.com

Religious Liberty - Larry Peterson - MrBirdMan1969@aol.com

Prison Ministry - Hector Perez - slaezar56@gmail.com

Music Coordinator - Meg Pinner - megabyte3024@gmail.com

Prayer Ministry - Charlotte Huenergardt - cahuenergardt@gmail.com

Children's Story - Linda Yost

Social Committee - Randy & Joanne Hase - joannehase@gmail.com

Communications - Cindy Peterson -  csharp87@hotmail.com